Throne Speech Pledges “Steps to Endorse” UN Declaration on Indigenous Rights

Well, that was certainly unexpected.. In her much anticipated Speech from the Throne, Canada’s Governor General Michaelle Jean stated the following: “We are a country with an Aboriginal heritage. A growing number of states have given qualified recognition to the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. Our Government will take steps to […]

Here’s an idea!

At just about every place I’ve ever been fired from (long list, too much to explain in this limited space), I’ve advocated something that seems so simple, so straightforward, so obvious that when I bring it up the reaction is almost always the same. The listener’s hand sweeps up with a loud “smack” as the […]

No, Canada.

Ever have one of those nights where you can’t believe what you just saw and you’re steamed about it, but you know saying so won’t make a nickel’s worth of difference because apparently it IS true – ignorance IS bliss? I’m talking about the bizarre distortions of the real world that keep popping up.  Some […]

USA Set to Drop Nuclear Obama on Indian Lands?

When Obama made his run for the White House, he did it with the support of a number of Native Americans. And once in office, he promised that “You will not be forgotten as long as I’m in this White House.” But recent initiatives on the energy front in the US make me wonder if […]