The Urban Heartbeat of Mother Earth

The steady beat builds to a booming thump. The bodies on the dance floor writhe along, anticipating the peak. There’s a short beat break, and a half-second later it kicks back in with the wails of a Northern Cree pow wow anthem soaring above the club rhythm. The crowd erupts. This is the Electric Pow […]

The Last Kinection keeps Aboriginal beat alive

Just came across this great song and video from Australian hip hop trio, The Last Kinection, who I discovered by visiting the blog renoriginal. Released in 2008 as their first single, “Ballooraman” (meaning ‘love’) features lyrics in their traditional Aboriginal dialect. A little background on The Last Kinection, courtesy of their website: Featuring siblings Naomi […]

mediaINDIGENA takes to the STREETZ

mediaINDIGENA is pleased to announce a new partnership with STREETZ 104.7 FM — “Winnipeg’s Illest Urban” — a new and ground-breaking hip-hop/urban radio station “targeting Aboriginal youth and all youth who love Hip Hop music.” That mandate makes it the first of its kind in North America, if not the world. Concrete culture indeed! Every […]

Indigenous Intrudaz Integral to Australia’s Biggest Aboriginal Hip-Hop Fest

Just came across this catchy video for ‘Everybody Knows’ by Indigenous Intrudaz, which in turn led me to news of the recently-celebrated tenth anniversary of Stylin’ Up, “Australia’s largest indigenous hip hop and R&B event,” according to The Courier-Mail. The duo have played at every single festival, an “annual celebration of indigenous music, art and […]