POLL: Should the Indian Act be gone by 2015?

Ah, the Indian Act. You know it, you hate it, you’re one of millions wondering what to do with it. Shawn Atleo thinks he knows. In fact, this week the Assembly of First Nations leader urged that the Act be repealed and replaced in its entirety by no later than 2015. Replaced with what, you […]

POLL: Should Canada’s Next Governor General Be Aboriginal?

According to the CBC, the head of the Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs, Ron Evans, thinks Canada’s next appointee to the position of Governor General should be someone Aboriginal. The report says Evans believes the unprecedented move would unite Canadians. His nominees: Phil Fontaine (former Assembly of First Nations leader) and Leona Aglukkaq (current federal Health […]

POLL: Do You Love or Loathe the Chicago Blackhawks Logo?

Yesterday, I posted a video from a Chicago television station wherein a sports anchor implied that the logo for the Chicago Blackhawks does not inspire the “fury” among Aboriginal people that other logos do. Well, wouldn’t you know it, non-Aboriginal sports columnist Damien Cox went and recently branded the logo as “racially insensitive.” Judging from […]

POLL: Should We Keep or Kill Bill C-3?

With posts on the arguments for and against Bill C-3 now up on our site, it only seems fitting that we conduct a poll to hear what you think. Admittedly, these options are a bit reductive, especially given the confusing legal labyrinth that make up Status inheritance laws, but we thought we’d test the waters — […]