Christie Blatchford’s “Helpless” is hapless and historyless account of Caledonia conflict

About six months ago, the Globe and Mail‘s Christie Blatchford filed a series of courthouse dispatches from Hamilton, ON regarding the case of a Caledonia, ON family and their $7 million lawsuit against the Ontario government for failing to protect them from “the natives” (of Six Nations) as a result of the Caledonia land conflict. […]

Twelve per cent of Canada’s food bank users are Aboriginal: report

Food Banks Canada (a national charitable organization whose membership serves apx 85% of those using emergency food programs) has just released its HungerCount 2010 survey and it contained a number of Aboriginal references: “The need for food assistance increased almost across the spectrum this year [including] more Aboriginal people” “The overall number of Aboriginal people […]

Canada gets instant reminder of what signing United Nations Declaration supposed to mean

As reported in Wawatay News, Canada has endorsed the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP) “in a manner, it says, is consistent with Canada’s Constitution and laws.” Although non-binding, the 46-article Declaration is nonetheless held up as a significant and meaningful standard by which to judge Canada’s treatment of, and conduct […]