The Academics Are Restless

Protesting inaction on missing native women

So former military man turned academic and defence analyst Douglas Bland thinks we’re staring down the barrel of a potential native insurgency.

It’s happened before that First Nations groups get peevish about how things are going in our home and native land. Good thing then we have someone keeping an eye on it, as my fellow blogger Rick Harp points out. Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of the people who spend their time thinking of these things. Forewarned is forearmed, right?

Sisters in Spirit fight violence against women

It all got me thinking about the “gangs” from Indian country that I’ve been getting to know.

There are the gangs who think it’s not right that native women take a walk along the highway and disappear.

There are the gangs who think it’s absurd that because they fell for someone outside the gang, they get tossed from the gang.

There are the gangs who think their children should be allowed to stick with the gang because it’s where they came from too.

Chief Poundmaker, age approx 42

And don’t forget the “terrorists” among the gangs. Some of them died before they could see their plans fully realized. But the roots are there. Better to keep an eye out than getting one put out somewhere down the line.

First Nations child welfare advocate Cindy Blackstock

All it takes is one charismatic leader. One individual in a power position who can lead others astray.

Of course it would be easier to keep track of these treacherous individuals if they were allowed to be heard.  Trouble is, that’s just not popular among authorities when you’re speaking from the wrong side of a grievance.

[Photos: Amnesty International; Saskatchewan Archives; First Nations Child and Family Caring Society of Canada]

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