Some Inflated Thoughts About Treaty Payments

I sent away for my “treaty money” the other day. Apparently, you can do that now. Growing up in Manitoba, treaty money was usually collected in person at “Treaty Days,” which commemorated the occasion of your First Nation signing its bilateral treaty with the Crown. Many treaty communities still host their own Days. It was […]

POLL: Do You Love or Loathe the Chicago Blackhawks Logo?

Yesterday, I posted a video from a Chicago television station wherein a sports anchor implied that the logo for the Chicago Blackhawks does not inspire the “fury” among Aboriginal people that other logos do. Well, wouldn’t you know it, non-Aboriginal sports columnist Damien Cox went and recently branded the logo as “racially insensitive.” Judging from […]

America’s First Warriors: Native Americans and Iraq

NPR’s “Talk of the Nation” has a great interview with Osage photojournalist Steven Clevenger, author of America’s First Warriors: Native Americans and Iraq. Among the topics discussed in the interview, why do Native American people serve in such high numbers for a country that historically treated them so badly? Have a listen and check out […]