Native American “Fury” and the Chicago Blackhawks

A story from WLS-TV about how the Chicago Blackhawks logo has supposedly “avoided much fury from Native American groups” — note the absence of irony in the sportscaster’s use of the word ‘fury’ — upset over the use of such ‘Aboriginal’ iconography and nomenclature by sports teams. A follow-up post will explore the various contours […]

Black Hills, Dark History: A Photo Essay

In this presentation at TEDxDU at University of Denver, non-Aboriginal photographer Aaron Huey discusses his series of images taken over 5 years on the Pine Ridge Oglala Lakota Sioux reservation, a place Huey describes as “ground zero for Native issues in the U.S.” Juxtaposing historical milestones in the US/Lakota relationship with contemporary photographs, Huey showcases […]

Tom Tomorrow on SB 1070

Another ‘comic‘ take on Arizona, this time from one of my favorite political cartoonists, Tom Tomorrow. His weekly strip, This Modern World, is always worth a read. (Click on the panel to see the cartoon in its entirety.)