Researchers to explore success of Aboriginal women in science, tech, engineering and math studies

According to Montana State University, the National Science Foundation in the US has funded a study into possible success factors for Native American women studying in the so-called ‘STEM’ fields— science, technology, engineering and mathematics: “Native Americans, particularly female Native Americans, are under-represented in the fields and [researchers Jessi L. Smith Ph.D. and Anneke Metz] […]

Aboriginal youth: “social time bomb” for 2011?

Senior members of the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives have issued their political predictions for 2011 on, and young Aboriginal people factor prominently for the director of CCPA’s Manitoba office. Here is part of what she had to say: … the prospects for many Aboriginal youth today are bleak. Far too many drop out […]

Pursuing the truth surrounding the “Truth in Sentencing Act”

Excellent piece in the newest issue of The United Church Observer about the current ideological battle over building more prisons in Canada. This debate could not matter more directly to Aboriginal people. For one, they are disproportionately represented in Canadian jails — in 2006, Correctional Service Canada reported that, “while Aboriginal peoples comprise 2.7 percent of […]